
This website and associated repository were created to publish the supporting material for a two-day workshop in R for the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science (CBCS) at The University of Queensland in partnership with the University Library.

Workshop Trainers

headshot of Stéphane Guillou
Stephane Guillou
Technology Trainer, UQ Library

headshot of Catherine Kim, Asian girl with glasses, blue hair in front of a green leafy wall
Catherine Kim
Postdoctoral Associate, School of Biological Sciences, CBCS
Technology Trainer, UQ Library

headshot Caitie Kuempel
Caitie Kuempel
Postdoctoral Associate, School of Biological Sciences, CBCS

portrait of Manuela Mendiolar
Manuela Mendiolar
PhD Student, School of Maths and Physics, CBCS

headshot Matt Holden outside
Matthew Hodlen
Lecturer, School of Maths and Physics, CBCS


Are you a member of the UQ community that is interested in a training workshop through the Library?

Contact the training team at: library dot uq dot edu dot au

CBCS can be contacted at: cbcs-info at uq dot edu dot au


The material is released under a Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International License. You may re-use and re-mix the material in any way you wish, without asking permission, provided you cite the original source. However, we’d love to hear about what you do with it!